Warmest Greetings!
It is my pleasure and privilege to address all of you as we celebrate our 100th Foundation Year.
This centennial is a celebration of our history and a call to action towards the future. Together, we have an important role and that is to write the next 100 year history of Silay Institute - one rooted in purpose and readiness to meet the challenges of an evolving world and careers that our young students need to prepare for with skills in problem solving and analysis, sound decision-making and abilities to think outside the box and explore creative means to resolve concerns and issues that will help enable them to move ahead.
On this momentous occasion, we honor the countless individuals who set a high bar for future graduates to emulate starting with an outstanding alumnus of Silay Institute, Justice Hector L. Hofilena. He completed his high school over the WW Il years and contributed significant service to the Philippine judiciary as judge in the court of appeals. He cited the early founders and administrators as his inspiration. Our alumni is the role model of our young - our ambassadors to the world. They can provide professional support and access to practical networking both for the schcol and its graduates.
As we look back beyond today's centennial milestone, we sound the call to our school administrators & faculty members, students and parents, alumni members, fellow educators, government and community leaders all of whom are absolute essential partners in the future of Silay, Institute - leaders who can provide their continuing help and support in promoting Silay Institute in Silay City and beyond its borders.
Handuraw is our window to the past & future, a witness to meaningful transformation with each generation building on the future, ready to fulfill
our shared values of
Happy 100th anniversary, Silay Institute!
With pride and gratitude,
Lilian S. Reventar
Silay Institute