College PTA donates LCD Projector

College PTA donates LCD Projector
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As the spirit of love and sharing came, the college Parents Teachers Association headed by their President Mr. George Gonzaga, donated one (1) unit of LCD Projector with wide screen for the computer laboratory 1 of the college. It was received by Dr. Rosario J. de Guzman, the School Director and Concurrent College Dean and I.T. Program Head Mr. Frederick Villaluna during their Christmas Party at the Audio Visual Room of Silay Institute last December 14, 2013.

After the turn-over of their projects, the parents and teachers continued to enjoy the party, games, and sumptousfood which were prepared and facilitated by the faculty and the BEEd students. The exchange of gifts and the giving of prizes for the winners of the games added to the excitement of everyone.

“To all the parents and Teachers, thank you for all your support and cooperation.”